Jun 15, 2020 | Educational, Game/Play
Annika just turned 4 and can count and recognize some numbers. These are easy games with a standard deck of cards. Game 1: Speedy Card Match Pick one suit and lay out the letter cards in one row and the number cards in row 2. Turn the rest of the cards face down in a...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative, Educational
You need a hot, sunny day for this one. The challenge is to make an oven you can set out in the sun. Materials: box/cardboard, tape, foil, you can throw in some plastic wrap, or use those throw-away plastic containers. Lesson: Talk about heat of the sun, reflection,...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative, Educational
I really could tack “snack” onto anything and it would boost the appeal with my kids x10. So I do. A few years ago when I did this activity, I stapled paper together and had the kids write poems of different types. Then we shared while eating snacks. More recently, as...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative, Educational
Prep: Staple some paper together. Directions: Write and illustrate a story. True Story: Admittedly, this one didn’t really grab them until I said, “and then at 3:00, we will meet in the backyard for ice cream and each person gets a turn to read his/her story and tell...