Apr 1, 2020 | Art/Creative
Draw a t-shirt. Design it. Cut it out. Go Easy On YourselfPrint a Shirt I know it’s easy to draw a shirt, but this way, you don’t have to! Print a few of them. Go pick up that book and take some deep breaths while the kids argue about crayons. Print...
Mar 24, 2020 | Art/Creative
I’m not gonna lie, this was a quick Google find today. So many activities out there involving materials I don’t have…or paint. (Are those people crazy?) This one had a few printables, which I printed on a black and white printer and made the kids...
Mar 23, 2020 | Art/Creative
Draw food. Add eyes. We found a bag of googly eyes, and I’ve also used eye stickers from Michael’s in the past…in a pinch you could just draw eyes with marker and cut them out for the kids to stick on. Eyes make any food look cute.
Mar 22, 2020 | Art/Creative
Paint, draw or print out a tree branch. Glue tissue paper bunches on for the flowers. Go Easy On YourselfThis idea is from Pink Stripey Socks’ website… Check them out! Good job! This find saved you the frustration of hearing your kids complain that they...
Mar 22, 2020 | Art/Creative
Draw and label as many stick animals as you can think of. They should have stick legs.
Mar 22, 2020 | Art/Creative
Collect materials (toilet paper tubes, tape, newspaper, cans, bottle caps, corks…) and supplies (tape, glue, scissors, string…) and make a trash monster! Give it a name, write a few sentences about it, and draw its portrait.
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative
Mix 1 cup flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt. Add water until you have a lump-free batter the consistency of pancake batter. You will need thick paper (we used watercolor paper) that fits in your microwave. With 3 kids, I used 3 cups. There’s...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative
Assemble materials. Body: You will need something for the turtle body. We had pipe cleaners. You could also use Popsicle sticks, straws, twigs. Shell: Yarn Extras: I had some wooden beads we used for the head and feet. Depending on the body material, you could just...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative
On a sheet of paper, draw the most delicious donut. Then, top with a little glue, and some real sprinkles.
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative
Materials: Any/all… foil, paper, straws, plastic plates, cups, tape, baggies Challenges: See who can build a boat that floats in the baby pool. See whose can hold the most marbles or gravel or...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative, Educational
You need a hot, sunny day for this one. The challenge is to make an oven you can set out in the sun. Materials: box/cardboard, tape, foil, you can throw in some plastic wrap, or use those throw-away plastic containers. Lesson: Talk about heat of the sun, reflection,...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative, Educational
I really could tack “snack” onto anything and it would boost the appeal with my kids x10. So I do. A few years ago when I did this activity, I stapled paper together and had the kids write poems of different types. Then we shared while eating snacks. More recently, as...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative
Prep: Acrylic craft paint in egg cartons, jars with brushes and water. Directions: Put on old clothes. Go outside. Find rocks and paint them. Rules: Paint only rocks. All painted rocks will forever live outside. Success (in terms of hours): This was a very successful...
Mar 21, 2020 | Art/Creative, Educational
Prep: Staple some paper together. Directions: Write and illustrate a story. True Story: Admittedly, this one didn’t really grab them until I said, “and then at 3:00, we will meet in the backyard for ice cream and each person gets a turn to read his/her story and tell...