I really could tack “snack” onto anything and it would boost the appeal with my kids x10. So I do. A few years ago when I did this activity, I stapled paper together and had the kids write poems of different types. Then we shared while eating snacks.
More recently, as my 3rd grader had been studying poetry in school, it’s been an on-going project, where she looks up and learns about some different types of poems, then writes the features of each type on the left side, and creates a poem in that style on the right. Illustrations optional.
Types of Poems
- Haiku (that’s 5-7-5)
- Acrostic (horizontal words for each letter of a vertical word)
- Rhyming couplets
- Free verse
- Ok, that exhausted my knowledge of types of poems, but this site has a good list with some fun examples for kids.